The Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities is proud to work with LGBTQA student organizations at Rutgers University. These groups range from social to social action and are committed to supporting students and the Center in our mission to provide services and programs that actively engage students and make a positive contribution to the quality of student life. Students are encouraged to become involved, active participants in these and other communities.
How to Get Connected with Student Organizations
- Delta Lambda Phi: A National Social Fraternity for Gay, Bisexual and Progressive Men
Delta Lambda Phi
Delta Lambda Phi is a national social fraternity for gay, bisexual and progressive men founded in 1986 in Washington, D.C. The 18 founding fathers are proud to say that they have helped to further strengthen the bond between the men involved in the LGBT community on the Banks of the Raritan River. This organization looks to provide young men with lifelong bonds of friendship, and brotherhood with one another. They not only look to improve themselves personally, but they also look to help develop, and support the communities that they live in.- Fusion
Instagram: @rutgersfusion
Fusion: The Rutgers Union of Mixed People aims to unite people who identify with or are interested in the multiracial experience (multiracial, multiethnic, interracial relationships, transracial adoption, etc.). Fusion will serve as a support system and a forum for people to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns about issues that are relevant to the multiracial community.
- GRADient
Welcome to GRADient! GRADient is the queer professional and graduate student association at Rutgers University. This group is designed to be a safe space for students of this peer group to share their experiences and connect with others.
- Jewish Allies and Queer Students (JAQS)
This discussion group provides a forum for Queer Jewish students and their allies to discuss relevant topics and build connections.
- LLEGO: LGBTQQIA People of Color Alliance
Instagram: @llegoru
LLEGO (pronounced, “Jeh-go”) was founded in 1997. We are the LGBTQQIA People of Color Union at Rutgers New Brunswick. We happily welcome all queer identities and straight allies as well. LLEGO examines social, economic, political and educational issues based on ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity which affect the lives and well-being of LGBTQQIA students of color. Additionally, LLEGO offers lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning students of all colors a forum to advocate for themselves and others through positive and provocative programming
- Out in Business
Instagram: @ru.outinbusiness
This organization is geared towards helping LGBTQ+ business students interested in pursuing careers in the business world. We provide opportunities to network with business professionals along with mentorship from accomplished LGBTQ+ alumni and other business executives. We also provide a system of support for LGBTQ+ students seeking a safe community to learn how to be “out” in the workplace as well as learn about resources provided by different industries and firms. We plan to educate our members as well as empower them.
- oSTEM: Out in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Instagram: @ostemrutgers
oSTEM is a national student society, dedicated to increasing the participation of people who identify with LGBTQIA communities in disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).
- Out in Tech
Instagram: @rutgersoutintech
Rutgers’ FIRST club for LGBTQ+ students pursuing a tech major! The purpose of the organization shall be to mentor LGBTQ+ individuals on the specific nuances of a tech career and provide educational, mentorship, and leadership opportunities to students with a passion for tech. This club will create an inclusive and supportive community of LGBTQ+ individuals and allies pursuing degrees in tech and relevant industries.
- Q&A: Queer & Asian
Social Media:
Q&A: Queer & Asian was founded in 2010 as “B.R.I.D.G.E.” as a discussion group around the intersection of LGBTQ and Asian identities. Since then, the group has grown and evolved into a community of queer APIDA students, faculty, staff, and allies.
- Queer Caucus
Instagram: @ruqueercaucus
Queer Caucus is an umbrella org for the LGBTQ+ community at Rutgers University. With representatives from each of Rutgers’ LGBTQ+ student organizations, Queer Caucus is aims to develop leadership and community building for LGBTQ+ students. As a cultural umbrella organization, Queer Caucus also aims to foster partnerships with other organizations within Rutgers’ Cultural Collaborative, namely, the United Black Council, Latino Student Council, and Asian Student Council.
- Queer & Christian
Instagram: @ruquac
The purpose of the organization shall provide a network for students with a strong interest in Christian faith, LGBT+ identity and how to navigate those identities while being in an open and safe space. The organization will also provide a place for straight-identifying allies to learn how to best support their queer friends.
- QSA: Queer Student Alliance
Instagram: @qsarutgers
The Queer Student Alliance is a political and social student organization that is based at Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, New Jersey. The QSA exists as a safe and confidential space for queer students and their straight allies, as well as those in all stages of exploring their sexual identity. It has been a resource for the school since its founding by queer activist Lionel Cuffie in December of 1969. In addition to building a strong, diverse, and respectful community for queer individuals, the QSA also seeks to build a Rutgers student body that pushes their own understanding of the intricacies of sexuality.
- Rainbow Pines
Instagram: @rainbowpines_douglass
Link to Confidentiality Pledge (must sign before able to join GroupMe)
Rainbow Pines is a club specifically for LGBT+ folk and allies who are enrolled in Douglass. Our mission is to create a discussion-based safe space for students of all genders and sexual/romantic attractions, as well as preserve the longevity of LGBTQ+ history within Douglass campus, within Rutgers University, and within the world. We also aim to educate through community service, activism work, hosting events, partnering with other organizations to create intersectional events, and more.
- SWAGGER: Social Workers Advocating for GLBT and Gender-nonconforming Equal Rights
SWAGGER (Social Workers Advocating for GLBT and Gender-nonconforming Equal Rights) is an organization at the Rutgers University School of Social Work dedicated to advocating for the rights and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA community at the School of Social Work, Rutgers, and the community at large. We have general meetings once a month and committees that convene more frequently. SWAGGER is advised by the School of Social Work.
- Transmissions: For Trans and Nonbinary Students and Allies
Instagram: @rutransmissions
Transmissions aim to open up a safe space for trans folk and trans allies. Transmissions will allow trans and nonbinary people and their closest allies to join together in both an informative and discussion-based group in order to create a sense of community and field of resources.
- UltraViolet
Meets Tuesdays 8 p.m. – 9 p.m. EST at The Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities (SJE) on College Avenue Campus
Instagram: @ultraviolet.rutgers
UltraViolet is a student organization for LGBTQIA+ women and other genders. Weekly meetings focus on community support, intersectional identities, as well as social justice advocacy and education. You don’t have to be a part of Douglass Residential College to join!