Faculty & Staff


We have multiple online resources for Staff and Faculty, ranging from Queer Vocabulary to Ally Basics. By reading though these resources you can become better educated on LGBT issues and how to help students that are LGBT. All resources are online with a printable PDF version.

Liaison Program

Liaisons are a select group of faculty and staff who have been charged with giving “visible focus” in each college, school, or unit to the issues of the LGBTQ community by assisting students in resolving problems, promoting general awareness, sponsoring programs to reduce homophobia and heterosexism, and making appropriate referrals for services and any special help. All staff and faculty are welcome to join!

Safe(R) Space Training

Safe(R) Space is a campus wide program designed to visibly identify students, staff, and faculty peers who support the LGBTQ population, understand some of the issues facing LGBTQ individuals, and are aware of the various LGBTQ resources. If you are interested in coming to a Safe(R) Space Training please check out the Safe(R) Space Page.

Request a Training

If you are interested in arranging a training, guest lecture, or workshop we generally require a request 2-3 weeks before the date of the event. To request a training, workshop, or presentation, please fill out this form.