25 for 25 voices of Rutgers University LGBTQA alumni

Kyle S. Hartmann

Kyle S. Hartmann

“To current LGBTQIA+ students I would say: Get involved! And stay involved. There are so many LGBTQIA+ groups that you can be a part of. From cultural and identity-based groups, to social groups, to one of the only GBT fraternities in existence, Rutgers offers so many ways to get involved!” – Kyle S. Hartmann, ’13

My name is Kyle S. Hartmann (He/Him) and I graduated from the School of Arts and Sciences in 2013 with a degree in Women & Gender Studies, and minors in Critical Sexuality Studies and Political Science. Some of my best memories of college were my time spent as Student Office Manager the Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities, and as a brother in Delta Lambda Phi, an international social fraternity for gay, bisexual, transgender and progressive men. The time that I spent with both of these groups provided some of the most amazing experiences like meeting Lance Bass; training students, staff, and faculty with our “SafeR Space Training”; being the president of Delta Lambda Phi when we officially became recognized as a chartered fraternity; and helping run the “Queer Caucus” with leaders from each of the LGBTQIA+ groups on campus.

One of the most challenging moments for me was the passing of a student from our community. While it was difficult, one of the most touching things that I saw was each of our student leaders come together to help host a vigil, provide support for other students, and make sure that our community was cared for. This wasn’t only making sure that they had someone to talk to, but it was also making sure that there were events and spaces to help take their minds off things.

Since graduating I have been lucky enough to find a full-time job at Rutgers. Working my way up I am now the Public Relations Specialist for the Rutgers University Equine Science Center. I also recently starting working with other alumni to relaunch the LGBTQIA+ Alumni Group. I’m very excited to get back in touch with other LGBTQIA+ alumni, and to help grow the group into an active, thriving community that people look forward to joining once they graduate.

Read another Alumni Profile


Kyle S. Hartmann

Kyle S. Hartmann at Rainbow Graduation

Kyle S. Hartmann

Kyle S. Hartmann