25 for 25 voices of Rutgers University LGBTQA alumni

25for25 Timeline


Learn more about RULGBTQIA history directly from the alumni who lived it with our 25for25 Alumni History Project!

This timeline would not have been possible without the tremendous work other Rutgers community members have put into documenting #RULGBTQIA history. The photos, targum articles, and narratives were compiled using the following resources:

 Special Collections and University Archives at the Alexander Library.

Consoli, J. & Gorder, E. (2000). Celebrating the tradition: 30 years of queer pride and activism at Rutgers. Retrieved from https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/T39021V8

Nichols, D. & Kafka-Holzschlag, M. (1989). The Rutgers University Lesbian/Gay Alliance 1969-1989: The first 20 years. The Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries, 51(2). Retrieved from https://jrul.libraries.rutgers.edu/index.php/jrul/article/download/1689/3128